Tried stopping the search which seemed to do nothing. What the.?ģ) Tried searching the C: drive for movies but saw no progress or results for the first 5 minutes. It's too bad that this makes it all so unclear and confusing.ġ) Tried drag and drop which doesn't work.Ģ) Tried searching the C:/Program Files/ folder but "Program Files" wasn't displayed as an option. I will say that this has a lot of features. Also, make sure there is nothing in that folder but movies you want it to analyze and put in your database.

#Datacrow porn movie
I recommend prior to using this, making sure your movie files have the exact name and the year in parenthesis with nothing else (like the codecs or anything else your ripping programs put in there. That technology should be created for programs like this. There are even apps that will tell you the name and artist of a song by holding your iphone up to the speaker. There are music apps that recognize the music by reading it digitally. I recommend it although it could improve. Once you have finished teaching the program what movies you have, it becomes very cool tool. Some movies I had ripped and the app that ripped it put something in the file title like 'Cool Hand Luke Title 1' That seemed to confuse the program somewhat. There were some movies that it did not recognize that are very popular so that really puzzled me. I had a lot of youtube videos in that folder so I spent a lot of time telling the program to ignore that file so it would be nice if it had the option to 'Ignore. (but there is no option on that screen to select another script.) The other 30% to 20% it will say something like, 'We don't recognize that movie, click skip or pick another script. If it doesn't know what movie it is, approximately 70% to 80% of the time it suggests a list of movies it thinks you might have and then you select the right one. I picked a folder for it to search for movies and it recognized several but I spent almost 2 hours teaching the program what movies they were. This is a great program but it required a lot of work on my part.

Great program if your movie files are organized.